Home Renovation Ideas

Often the smartest move is simply to extend.

5 Home Improvement Tips to Rejuvenate Your Living Space


A new year brings the promise of a fresh start, and nothing says “new beginnings” better than giving your home a facelift. Clean out last year’s clutter with these 5 home improvement tips.

Be inspired

Allow yourself some time to dream. Take a quiet moment to imagine the kind of home you and your family would thrive in. Are you using available space in a way that best suits your needs? Do the colours suit your tastes? Knowing what works for you is the first step to making improvements that count. Be inspired by a combination of self-reflection and other people’s experiences — Pinterest is a great place to start. Once you have a clear vision of your ideal new space, change can begin in earnest!  

Get motivated

Knowing what you’d like to do and getting around to making the changes are two very different kettles of fish. Spark your motivation by setting some deadlines. Instead of the regular ones (which are hard to miss), consider throwing a big dinner party that introduces your nearest and dearest to your new home, or list that extra guest room on Airbnb for deadline day and partially recoup the costs of the changes you made.  

Spring Clean

Now that you’ve got vision and motivation, clear out the clutter! Repurpose, store or donate the appliances, clothes, furniture and decor that are not absolutely essential to your new living needs. Not only will this make space for the coming change, but you gain extra cash as well from the things you’re able to sell.  

Redecorate, Rearrange and Restyle

It’s finally time to begin making your vision a reality. Starting with smaller changes can help make the transition to a fresh style manageable, especially if you live with small children who may take some time to adjust. It also cuts out the need to enlist subcontractors before you’re certain of the creative direction bigger changes will take. Start with the little things that make a big difference, like rearranging the furniture, redoing fixtures and restyling the lighting in each room.   


Sometimes rejuvenating your living space takes more substantial changes. While even just a fresh lick of paint can do wonders to a room, an expert renovation can leave you in an upgraded space that’s grown in value. Bathroom and kitchen renovations are known to be great investments and can be done with minimal inconvenience if you’re working with the right contractor.

One of the best ways to decide which changes would be your best strategic investments is to speak to the experts. With more than 38 years of experience, Sertorio Homes does premier home renovations in Perth. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote, and find out which renovations and improvements will improve both your quality of life and home’s value with minimal disruption.

Looking for inspiration?

Dive into our lookbook for some innovative home renovation ideas.

Your Ideal Home Awaits: Should You Renovate or Start Fresh?

Unsure which option will give you the dream home that fits your lifestyle? Take our quiz to explore whether renovating or building new is the best choice for you.